Yule: The Cosmology of Darkness and Light

written by Coral Sh Carte

In the dance of the cosmos, certain moments emerge as portals—thresholds that connect human consciousness to universal rhythms. As the Earth shifts its mantle with the seasons, these moments are marked not just as celebrations but as rituals of alignment. Ancient solstice practices are more than observances; they are encoded with timeless wisdom, inviting us to transcend the mundane and remember our numinous selves.

The Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere marks the longest night, when the sun pallid in the grey sky, offering us a profound moment of stillness and reflection. Here, in the deep quiet, that the promise of illumination is born. The Solstice though, is not merely a return to light but an occasion to confront the archetypal forces of shadow and rebirth—forces that shape both our inner lives and the greater cycles of existence.

The Cosmic Stillness and the Eternal Cycle

In the short, cold days of winter, the Solstice feels like a cosmic pause, where the sun seems to stand still, before its slow journey back toward longer days. It’s stillness reflecting the eternal cycle of life—descent into darkness as a precursor to rebirth. It is a time of hiatus, a liminal threshold where the old dissolves to make way for the new.

The Hermetic traditions consider the Solstice as the embodiment of the universal law of polarity: light is born from darkness, wisdom from experience, and transformation from the fertile soil of the inner shadows. The Hermetic axiom “as above, so below” reminds us that these celestial events are also internal processes. Just as the Earth rests and prepares for renewal, we embrace stillness, allowing ourselves the possibility to dissolve the unwanted and be reborn.

Symbolism and Ritual: The Fire of Renewal

In Northern traditions, Yule fires were kindled to honor the returning sun—a rekindling of life’s vital energy. The flames symbolized the light that gestates within the darkness. Evergreens, enduring through winter’s harshness, were brought into homes as symbols of immortality and resilience. These rituals remind us that the spark of life endures, even in the depths of shadow.

The Tower card from the Tarot, often associated with sudden upheaval and destruction, symbolizes the crumbling of old structures—both personal and collective—creating space for rebuilding on firmer ground. The Solstice gives us time to reflect on these structures within ourselves: What must be released? What will rise anew?

The Gnostic Perspective: Awakening the Inner Sun

For the Gnostics, the external cycles of the cosmos mirrored the soul’s internal journey. The rebirth of the physical sun at the Solstice parallels the awakening of the inner sun—the Divine Spark, or pneuma, that resides within all of us.

The material world is seen as a realm of darkness, a veil obscuring the soul’s true essence. Yet, just as the sun emerges from its longest night, so too can the soul awaken to its numinous light. This awakening can be an initiatory moment: a conscious turning inward, meditating upon the darkness of the ego, and kindling the sacred fire of the higher self and the Solstice a ritual of gnosis—a return to self-knowledge and divine remembrance. A time to reconnect with our luminous essence.

A Time for Sacred Pause

The Solstice invites stillness—as sacred potential. In many traditions, this time of year emphasizes reflection and release. I use this moment to prepare my diary for the year ahead. I review the past year releasing what no longer serves me. In the darkness, I plant the seeds of my intentions, creating a vision for the light that I wish to cultivate.

This stillness is more than rest; it is the crucible in which the soul is tempered. In the sanctuary of silence, our hidden truths emerge. Darkness becomes a companion, a guide through the fertile void where all possibilities dwell. To honour the Solstice is to honour the sacred rhythms of life—an eternal cycle of balance, transformation, and light.

Conclusion: The Eternal Return

Yule is a timeless reminder that the journey through darkness is necessary for the return of light. It calls us to courageously embrace the shadow, knowing that it holds the promise of rebirth. To celebrate the Solstice is to stand at the threshold of becoming—to kindle the light within and honour the pulsation that shapes both our lives and the cosmos.

Pagan roots of Nordic Christmas traditions    

written by Diana Holmström

The blend of pagan and Christian traditions is especially fascinating in Northern Europe, where Christmas still carries echoes of ancient rituals. Take Finland, for instance. Here, Santa Claus is known as Joulupukki, which literally means “Yule Goat”—a direct translation of the Swedish Julbock. Possibly this name goes way back to Germanic and Norse mythology, where the goat symbolized strength and fertility and was closely tied to the god Thor, who, as legend has it, rode a chariot pulled by goats.

These days, Joulupukki looks a lot like Santa Claus, but back in the 19th century, his vibe was completely different. People would dress up in birch bark masks with horns and go door to door, handing out gifts to well-behaved kids—and playfully “punishing” the naughty ones. It was all part of a ritualistic performance full of symbolism and a touch of mischief. Here we can se some connection with Krampus figure, however there is no strong historical evidence for this connection.

In Northern Europe, Christmas is still celebrated over 13 days, ending with what’s called the “Thirteenth Day” (or Trettondagen in Swedish). This tradition traces back to Yule, the ancient winter solstice festival celebrated by Germanic and Norse peoples. Yule was all about marking the rebirth of light as the days started to lengthen. It involved feasts, sacrifices, and rituals to ensure prosperity for the coming year and lasted for 13 days.

Some of the Christmas symbols we know today actually have roots in those old Norse pagan traditions such as The Christmas tree. Originally, Norse pagans used evergreen branches as decorations to symbolize eternal life and ward off evil spirits during Yule. The Yule Goat -wasn’t just a quirky decoration made of straw you can buy from IKEA nowadays; it was a symbol of fertility and often played a role in Yule celebrations.

Even the idea of giving gifts has pagan roots. Back then, offerings like animals, grain, or beer were made to the gods to show gratitude and ask for their blessings. In some regions of Finland we still have legends about goat-like monsters, which were roaming around in a Yule time and kidnapped children. To to make them kinder or trick them people gave them presents instead of their children. Over time, that evolved into the modern custom of exchanging presents as a way to show love and generosity.

All in all, Christmas in Northern Europe is an incredible mix of pagan and Christian influences. Even with all the modern commercialization, you can still see the deep cultural and spiritual significance behind the traditions, reminding us of our ancient connection to nature and the changing seasons.

On initiation – a novice perspective by Frater Runkorp

An initiation is a rite of passage and as such it should, according to anthropologists and historians of religion, contain three parts: separation, a liminal phase and aggregation. Given that we are deep in the season of the fall, right on the cusp of winter, I want to dwell a little on the second part – liminality, the in-between aspect where transformation occurs.

Liminality is a threshold, steeped in symbolism, a stepping away from the normal everyday world and into a state of between-ness where the everyday falls apart and gives space for ambiguity and discomfort. This symbolic death can be vulnerable, scary or even painful, but it is a necessary break from the ego, the shedding of identity in which can be found the spark of the new self.

There are of course several reasons for going through an initiation and for entering a liminal phase. It is a rebirth, a gaining of understanding, an introduction to powers and mysteries, an experience that can set you on a path to illumination, awakening, or to deep personal change. Most of us go in and out of these spaces several times on our magical journeys. In an order, such as the IOT, the initiation also holds another meaning. It is a shared experience of being stripped down and given a new role. It is a social transformation that becomes a source of strength through the sharing of the stories of initiation. In this the order becomes a part of the internal narrative of “us who have gone through the upside-down-world and emerged on the other side”. As a novice, you are not fully part of that community. You may very well feel welcome, included and respected, but you haven’t travelled the same path as everybody who is on the inside. For the novice, the initiation is the –coming-of-age-story of their life within the order.

image and text by Frater Runkorp


By Dave Lee

I’ve been using the IAO formula for about 40 years now, and in the last few years I find I’ve learned some new things about using it. If you’ve spent any time in chaos magic groups over the last few decades you’ll probably have used the IAO Banishing as a punctuation in your magical life – ‘here’s where the special stuff starts’. It’s favoured because of its simplicity, just three gestures, sounds and visualizations. So that we’re all on the same page, here’s how it’s usually done, at least in the chaos magic world. All the sounds are vibrated for one breath-length. 

  1. Stand with your arms by your side. Raise your arms straight up and inhale. Visualize a column that joins the sky to the earth and runs through you. Vibrate (the sound EEEEE
  2. Lower your arms so they are horizontal, pointing to the sides. Visualize reaching out to the world at either side. Vibrate the sound AAAAA.
  3. Lower you arms and bring your hands together in front of your groin or lower belly, so that your fingers form a downward-pointing triangle or a circle. Visualize a circle or sphere which encloses you. Vibrate the sound Oh. 

I first read about the IAO formula in Crowley’s Magick, where he analyses it (at length, of course!) In brief, he presents it as a formula of death and resurrection, the formula of the Osirian Aeon: ‘I’ is Isis, our unmodified nature; ‘A’ is Apophis or Apep, the destroyer; ‘O’ is Osiris, the reborn mummy-god arising from the underworld.

This formulation is useful; it is slightly more explicit than the Baphomet formula, Solve et Coagula, which is perhaps the simplest version of this universal principle of transformation.   We start off in some state, then we find ourselves disrupted, our mundane selfhood broken down, dissolved. Then selfhood is reborn, reformed from chaos. This formula is central to psychedelic adventuring and healing. IAO expands on this by adding the Isis ‘I’ at the beginning, so that we get ‘I’ as our naive original state, ‘A’ as solve and ‘O’ as coagula.

At first I started using IAO because it had become the IOT’s default ‘quick banishing’, something we use when we don’t need a full Gnostic Pentagram / Gnostic Chaosphere banishing. It was during the pandemic lockdowns, when the IOT were developed new protocols for working group magic online, that IAO took on new meanings for me. 

We decided that we needed to emphasize our connectedness as a group when we were in a virtual temple, so we modified the meaning of the ‘A’ gesture in IAO. We interpreted it as reaching out to all your co-workers, the members of the group you can see on the screen in their little Zoom boxes, but who are not in the same room as you. 

This little tweak had quite a profound effect, and deepened our sense of being together across the miles of a Zoom call. This effect set me to thinking what it was I was doing with each of the three gestures. These are the kinds of thoughts I got for each of them.

I – we are cosmic beings, we can see ourselves as a polarity between sky and earth, ‘the perilous bridge between nature and spirit,’ as Hermann Hesse wrote.

– I reach out my arms and embrace the world. I reach out to all the others in my circle. I embrace too all that hurts and destroys me, and therefore allows for transformation.

O – Every moment, I make a unique synthesis of those principles. I don’t know exactly what that will entail; the ‘O’ is an open mouth, a gesture of surprise. 

Prayer to Hekate                                                        

Hekate, light bearer, Lady of the lamp

She who guides us through the darkness

The holder of the flame in the dark times.

Only she would assist Demeter in her search for her lost daughter

and only she would broker with Hades for the return of Persephone

Hail Hekate.

Hail to She who guides us through the underworld

Lady of the lamp, goddess of nurses and social workers

I ask that you light our way and guide all those who are lost in darkness

Hekate, Lady of Light please guide your people to a better future

Phosphorus, Shinning One, guider of the ways

Hail Hekate

Hekate, keeper of the keys, mistress of secrets

Please grant us the knowledge that we seek for illumination

Lady of the dawn, the light in the shadows,

the one who has the ability to grant all wishes

light bringer, holder of all wisdom, Mistress of the crossroads,

Hail Hekate

On Considering the History of the IOT

Soror Brigantia

Over the years, I have seen on social media, blogs and YouTube several discussions relating to the history of the IOT. These vary in quality, some being very good and others less so.

One thing they appear to have in common is that they are produced by people who have either no or tenuous links to the IOT, and the research is conducted mainly through other articles accessed via the internet. It’s my opinion that any discussion that over relies on information gleaned from the internet which does not include book research and fieldwork to be essentially flawed. As we all know, because it’s on the internet that does not mean it’s accurate, and there may be some essential information that will not be included.

In relation to the IOT while there are some books that will give information there are not many and therefore, I would consider fieldwork to be an essential component of any research conducted into this magical order. Putting it plainly: if you want to know what happened in the IOT, ask the membership.

I would point to this video made by someone who was there when the IOT was born to be the most accurate account as well as Dave’s series on the history of the IOT on this blog.

Dave’s work can be seen at  Chaotopia! – Dave Lee’s Chaotopia!

Most internet discussions focus on an event which I like to call the ‘Ice Magick Argument,’ often referred to as a ‘war.’ I personally cannot comment on the ins and out of what happened with this as it happened so long ago before I had joined the IOT.

Most histories of the IOT given by people who have never been members tend to finish with The Ice Magick Argument and little attention is paid to any history that occurred after that event or how the IOT is today. The IOT is a group that is constantly evolving and changing and due to this development, the IOT that exists today will have some differences to the IOT of five years ago. Occasionally I see discussions on social media involving people who say they were members 10 years ago or so whose opinions may have historical value, but due to the continual evolving nature of the IOT bear little resemblance to how the order is today.

The PACT will also mean different things to different people. One person’s experience of it may be very different to another’s, as individual development and expression is encouraged within the order.

On the BIS YouTube account, youtube.com/c/IOTBIS we have started a series of personal accounts of how individuals joined the IOT which gives a more up to date flavour of the IOT by showcasing these individual journeys within the PACT. As the IOT encourages its membership towards personal autonomy and finding their own magical style it is hoped that these videos will give a hint of the diverse experience of PACT members and a more accurate snapshot in time of how the British Isles Section operates during the time the video was made.

(This is the opinion of Soror Brigantia and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of everyone in the IOT)

The Insubordinate

Chaos magicians in general don’t like their magical life to be controlled by anyone. Yet the little pond of occultism is crammed with wannabe Big Fish; Mages, Grand Masters and Ipsissimi just gagging to tame us to bridle and bit for their own purposes which could make them anything from benign tyrant to barking mad cult leader.

The IOT was never going to be just another magical order: we are the cats you cannot herd. So how do we keep things organised while safeguarding our personal autonomy within our Pact? Or, as it’s mostly asked, how does a Chaos Order work?

One of the answers is the Insubordinate. This role is a mainstay of the Pact’s anti-authoritarian way of doing things but is by definition pretty alien to the majority of occulture. If you haven’t read the definitive account in the Book of the Pact, here’s a link: https://iotbritishisles.com/the-book-of-the-pact/. Let’s see what it says:

A repeated phrase in The Book is “Criticism in the Pact flows from the bottom to the top.” Just as there’s nobody to tell you what to think or believe, there’s nobody wagging their finger at you telling you you’re doing it wrong. This is the complete opposite of authority-led groups. Nevertheless, we have ‘leaders,’people ‘at the top.’ And so the role of Insubordinate was devised to keep them in check.

“Every Magister Templi, Adept, Magus, and Section Head, is assigned an Insubordinate … elected by Initiates and Neophytes.” They don’t get to choose somebody compliant: they get an Insubordinate foisted on them who is nobody’s pet.

“It is the task of the Insubordinate to ensure that the Magister Templi, Section Head, Adept or Magus does not neglect their personal magical progress and that they carry out their tasks well. There are different ways to fulfill the duties of the Insubordinate.

  • They may convey criticism with the loutishness of the Jester, making everything appear ridiculous,
  • or inquire with the Fool’s naivety about issues that are unclear.
  • Taking the role of Chaplain, the Insubordinate may point out personal weaknesses and blind spots of the recipient of the insubordination,
  • acting as Confessor they may receive reports on personal developments, as Inquisitor they may raise an objection to decisions.”

Accountability is the name of the game here. The Insubordinate is not just some personal assistant or PR rep. They proactively take the poor hierarchical figure to task where necessary, and may be as searching and uncompromising as they like. The German term for the Insubordinate is ‘Querulant.’ Says it all.

“These five roles of the Insubordinate consist of the following tasks.

  • Ensure that all explanations, speeches and teachings are clear to everyone and criticize those, which are not, and demand their clarification. Thus, the Fool’s task is to simulate ignorance where others pretend understanding.
  • Convey criticism with a certain easiness and impertinence. Thus the duty of the Jester is to take something appear ridiculous which others would like to diplomatically overlook.
  • Point out personal weaknesses and blind spots. Thus it is the responsibility of the Chaplain to handle personal issues in an impartial manner.
  • Receive reports on personal magical development without commenting on them. Thus it is the task of the Confessor to offer protection from laziness and self-satisfaction.
  • Hold the right to veto any instruction and to inform a Magus, the Section Head or the Council of the Magi about its exercise. Thus it is the Inquisitor’s duty to prevent the abuse of position.

Predominantly the Insubordinate will conduct their official business with the Recipient of their insubordination in private. It may be advisable for the Recipient to inform their Insubordinate about any controversial events beforehand in order to prevent the exercise of a veto in public.”

That veto. The unstoppable power to say ‘No!’ to what a higher grade proposes, with no comeback. This is a powerful tool for undercutting authoritarianism.

Furthermore, the Insubordinate may use their role on behalf of any other member who feels a need to criticise, especially those who might not feel comfortable presenting their criticism themselves. The Insubordinate’s intervention gives them anonymity and shields them from any possible reprisals.

How’s a megalomaniac supposed to operate under these conditions? Thanks to the Insubordinates, not at all.


the Kite

“This Is My Will”

by Soror Brigantia

Developing a magical will has never been an issue for me. Stubborn and determined to the core; formulating a goal, planning the process of achieving said goal, executing the plan and achieving the goal at the end has been a natural process for me.

This has been surprising for some folks that I have met throughout my life, who thought that being introverted meant being weak and took it upon themselves to foolishly attempt to bully me into a course of action that I did not want to take. However nothing will persuade me into doing something I do not want, immovable as a mountain and as stubborn as Balaam’s ass … I would not be moved!

If my heart is set on something I will achieve it by hook or by crook. If I find that a door is closed unto me then I will either get a battering ram and smash the door to smithereens or will take the side route and find a way around the door, perhaps through a side gate that’s been left unlocked. I have always found a way. If a person gets in my way, well, that only encourages me to work harder for the goal and makes the victory all the more sweet.

This has served me well in the sense that I have met all the goals that I had as a child and have had awesome experiences – seen things and done things that go beyond what would have been expected for me as a child. I have also gone beyond my own expectations of myself as a direct result of my experiences within the Illuminates of Thanateros and have done things I would not have done otherwise and have been all the better for it. I have used a combination of magical and non-magical means to build for myself the life that I wanted.

However this determined carpe diem nature has also led to a feeling of tension or stress within my self; the type of tension that any completer/ achiever has I guess. Sometimes I enjoy the fight and sometimes I don’t but it does feel like a fight on occasions.

Due to the pandemic however I have experimented with a different way of doing things. Maybe this is because the keyworking I was doing made my working life busier than it usually is. Sometimes the pandemic stress impacts on my cognitive functioning and just getting through the pandemic successfully is all one can manage. Maybe it’s because I am getting into a time of life where I want to chill more and no longer feel the need to be so goal driven.

Lately I have been experimenting with working more with the energy that is there and making that work for me. Instead of battering down the closed door I am now finding a different door one that is open and working with that as opposed to aggressively focusing on the locked one. Working with the Tao and finding the path that is obstacle free and making that work for me is a gentler way of working with my magical will.

I don’t always achieve exactly what I want with this method, I achieve something else which is of equal value with the knowledge that aggressively achieving is not always necessary. There are other ways to live.

This has led to my now having more than one way of working with my magical will. I can choose to work gently with the energy that presents to me but I can still take a battering ram when I want to. Flexibility is the key.

Soror Brigantia is a Magus of the Pact and a former British Isles Section Head

Dave Lee’s Tales of Magic (16th Instalment)

1983: More Chaos (in both senses)

Some time in 1982 Pete Carroll went to live in Bristol and founded an IOT Temple there, known as Cabal Heraclitus. In 1983 he asked our little Leeds group (PD, Robin, Rodney and myself) to try out a new series of sorcery pathworkings, the Cthonos Rite (a CD of this is still available from New Falcon, http://www.originalfalcon.com/chaos-magick-audios-1-cthonos-rite.php ). This is a set of five elemental pathworkings, suitable for enchantment, divination, illumination, evocation and invocation.

Here is an excerpt from the first one:

THURS 10TH NOV 1983: TEMPLE OF EARTH (Evocation)

The room is square, faintly illuminated by a glowing yellow double-cube altar on which is a pen, ink, a small wand and a square of yellow paper.

Around me is visialised a bright circle on the floor, and to the North, a bright triangle of evocation.

Sigil drawn on paper, black on yellow, of ERAMI (a Franz Bardon spirit), and traced over with the wand drawing it in light, and making the intention to summon him.

We asked him to produce £22 within a week. On THURS 17th November I noted: ‘Failure’.

Overall, we had three failures; the above one, our skrying for a hit single (Water/Divination Temple), and a weather spell (Air/Invocation Temple). The Spirit / Illumination working was a telepathy experiment which produced a partial success. The big hit was the Fire (Enchantment) Temple (I also wrote about this in Bright From the Well):

MON 21ST NOV: TEMPLE OF FIRE: Intention: To cause mistakes in the reading of the BBC 9 o’clock news between 9.10 and 9.15 this evening, fault on sound severe enough to warrant an apology.

At Rodney’s, 8.35-58 pm, Astral Travel incense and oil.

Standing in a line facing the aperture in Temple of Fire, visualizing BBC News Studio, with chaosphere above newsreader influencing her to be confused in speech, clock on wall repeatedly running between 9.10 & 9.15.

Chaos reigned throughout the working: candles wouldn’t light, then were knocked over, tape had irritating feedback noise through it, alarm bell in the bakery a few doors along went off near the beginning of rite and only stopped at 9 o’clock. There was a problem with finding TVs that were working and not being watched on other channels; eventually we ended up at a friend’s, at 9.06!

Total success: Just after 9.10 Sue Lawley made a slight speech fault and corrected it. During film there were overlapping voice-tracks for which she apologized at 9.14. This is thoroughly chaotic, for BBC news!

The only meeting of Cabal Heraclitus I ever went to was a public event, on Yule 1983, with the band Mark Stewart and the Mafia. The rock star was to be a sacrificed god. I was to be his attendant, and my friend Jessica was to be High Priestess. The other four ritual participants were Cabal Heraclitus members. One of them was quite well know for losing it and causing crazy scenes. Someone had passed round some speed in the afternoon, and that was probably a mistake, given the presence of that person.


Present: Pete Carroll, Faedra, Claire, Richard at quarters. Jessica and myself.

The scripted and rehearsed order of ritual was abandoned, due to some problem Mark Stewart had. He read some Burroughsian texts but, as for the magical working, only its barest framework was used. The Mass of Chaos B was read from the stage and various proclamations were made, before chaos – in the vulgar sense – broke loose and Faedra jumped down off the stage and started fighting with a member of the audience (Simon).

At this point, Pete seized the microphone and wound it up, announcing ‘The manifestation of chaos is at an end.’ This was optimistic – the two chaps in front of the stage kept slugging it out for a while longer, but at least it enabled the magicians on stage to relinquish any further magical responsibility.

Dave Lee is the author of several books, including Chaotopia, Bright From the Well and Life Force: Sensed Energy in Breathwork, Psychedelia and Chaos Magick. Visit his website and sign up for his newsletter.

The Great Magical Lockdown

We’ve been in lockdown for weeks now, hiding from each other so as not to spread the lethal disease. At least we’re still breathing. Already there may have been people we know who haven’t been so lucky. Our own responses are ranging from happy productivity for the natural hermits to cabin fever for many of the rest, with the added nagging worry of where the money’s going to come from for this. And as the social distancing precautions begin to slip, cracks are appearing in the solidarity of lockdown, as more people get fed up with it and decide that breathing’s not that important anyway.

We magicians might be among those asking themselves ‘Am I doing enough during this enforced leisure time?’ assuming, of course, that we’re not among the quietly heroic essential workers risking their lives so that we can have anything from medical care to sliced bread.

So what are we doing with this unwanted gift of time? Me, I’m writing a book. Woo, go me. Some of us are cracking on with some intensive/extensive practice, the Great Magical Retreat. And some of us are fraying at the edges. Or maybe all of the above.

In general, I try to keep a balance between structure and license. I get up, I do the daily stuff, from hygiene and housework to meditation and magic. Structure, see. However, I also feel free to miss something out, to not get much done today, to feel like shit if I feel like shit, dialling down the expectations in order to remove that Work Ethic pressure to produce. License.

Structure and license, then, moderating each other (more or less) so that neither runs off with your marbles. The ancients called it Temperance.

I maintain a fairly positive attitude of gratitude. This isn’t a matter of airbrushing the unpleasant bits out of my experience, although it has meant that I use the antisocial media less than I did before lockdown in order to screw down the toxic demands to be outraged and afraid. As magicians we should be filtering the bullshit as standard practice, but it’s more important than usual right now.

Instead, I voice aloud my thankfulness for particular things in my day: this meal, that weather, this moment of quiet joy. The voicing aloud seems to make the difference: try it. I’m not saying pray to anything, just acknowledge that you’re glad that whatever-it-is is here right now.

My meditations include the all-inclusive contemplation of my immediate surroundings, my own experience and present state of mind, accepting all, letting all blow past, fixating on nothing.

I’m lucky enough to have a household of people, but I miss the Bunburys, the periodic disappearances from the respectable world to do disrespectable things among disrespectable people. Y’know, occultists. But we have internet chat. It’s a poor substitute, but better Prosecco than no wine at all. So I make a little time to chat with my family and friends, and most of all, my tribe.

I feel very lucky to have the Pact. Right now our Section has weekly online ritual meetings and catchup, which fulfils my definition of the Pact as “a group of free individuals who agree to act together in each others’ interests” with group magic as the mode. Group magic is only the tip of the iceberg of our magical practice, but the fellowship of the members is truly extraordinary. Dave Lee has described it as a sangha, the Buddhist term for the community of fellow-travellers on the Great Way, which I’ve not noticed anyone else but myself using until Dave. I’ve argued for years that a magical community is the second most important aid to remaining sane in the wacky world of wizardry, as you can read from that first link above. (the first most important thing? Your own bullshit detector, natch). It’s a privilege to be part of such a tribe. If you have one, you can’t do better than to connect up to them as close as you can under the circumstances, even if you’re not suffering from the isolation as much as many. It’s a collective sanity thing, and it’s not just about yours.

I hope you find these suggestions encouraging and useful. Stay well. Choyofaque!

The Kite